How to Get Signed Up on NECAC
Determine your specific need to be addressed by NECAC. For example, if you are a pregnant woman or the mother of an infant in need of health care, you can get signed up at one of NECAC's Family Planning and Well Infant Care facilities, located in Bowling Green, Hannibal, St. Charles or Warrenton. Other health care assistance provided by NECAC might be in-home nursing or senior care.
If you need help to find housing or to keep your house from being foreclosed, NECAC has partnerships with the Department of Housing and Urban Development throughout the state. The HUD office in Kansas City handles Western Missouri and the HUD office in St. Louis handles Eastern Missouri.
Bring your social security card to any NECAC office or agency to get signed up. If you do not have a social security card, you will need to submit to a FAMIS screen at your intake appointment in order to verify your identity and residency, since you must be living in one of NECAC's participating counties to qualify.
Sign up to volunteer at NECAC while you're at it. Give back to this community organization where you got help by helping others. Help locate homeless people who need services. Work with Habitat for Humanity in building HUD houses. NECAC is always looking for help in finding people who are truly in need.