What Should Be on a Budget for a Health Promotional Activity?
Encourage competition participation by marketing the weight-loss competition. The marketing costs depend on the amount of people you plan on participating. Encouraging participation in a small company can be as simple as a few fliers and an email. A more extravagant health-promoting activity should include design costs, fliers, website development, public relations and any advertising costs. Registration materials and postage should be included if you are doing a mailing.
Competition Introduction
Competition participants need to meet to learn the rules of the competition. Budget items should include meeting rental space, handouts, food and beverages, speaker fees and audio visual equipment. If your group is large, you also need to add registration materials, such as name tags, personnel and computer equipment.
Participants should be weighed at the beginning and end of the competition. Include meeting space, personnel, scales and costs of materials used to record weights. Save money by recording the initial weigh-ins at the competition introduction.
Hold an awards banquet to honor the winners. Include budget meeting space, speakers, food and beverages, awards, decorations, audio visual equipment, name tags personnel and computer equipment in the budget. Allocate money for miscellaneous items and incidentals in case there are any last-minute expenses.