How to Clean Rooms in Schools
Utilize the least caustic and dangerous cleaning products that offer optimal ranges of cleaning and disinfection. School officials and custodians must also be aware of the potential chemical side effects caused by cleaning products. Use microfiber-based cleaning tools, as opposed to string mops, to clean surfaces and trap particulate matter.
Trap dust, both airborne and settled, with a vacuum system. Use modern vacuum systems that use HEPA filters and other air-filtering devices to control dust. Remove dust from overhanging surfaces, such as fan blades and tall bookcases, as well as common areas and carpeting.
Clean surfaces before disinfecting. Follow manufacturers instructions for dilution and application of cleaning products. Wipe and dry carefully. Some soap and cleaner residues will interfere with disinfection products.
Disinfect surfaces properly by applying a commercial disinfectant. Follow manufacturers instructions regarding application time and remove properly. Disinfect high-traffic surfaces such as shared desktops, restrooms, drinking fountains and door knobs on a daily basis.
Maintain clean floors by using dirt-trapping mats in high-traffic areas. Remove and clean mats regularly and clean floors. Clean organic or chemical spills with specialty absorbent and disinfectant products, following manufacturer guidelines.