How to Organize a Health Fair in the Church
Ask church members to volunteer for the health fair committee. Put an announcement in the church newsletter or post fliers in the common area.
Choose a location. Depending on the time of year, decide if the fair will be indoors or out. If the church has a large parking lot or lawn where tables can be set up, it is possible to have an outdoor fair. You could also use a church basement or recreation room.
Choose a date when the location you are considering is available. Book the date and time.
Invite the medical and fitness community in your area to participate in your health fair. This can be done by sending out letters to hospitals, doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists and fitness centers. Reach out to municipal and county government and ask if their health departments would like to set up a table. The American Heart Association, American Cancer Society and Arthritis Foundation may also be willing to send brochures and information.
Map out your location and block off sections for each exhibitor. Number the blocks and put the numbers on a list. As each exhibitor confirms their attendance, assign it a number and write its name next to the corresponding number on your list.
Arrange for tables and chairs for each exhibitor or, if you are unable to supply these, make sure the exhibitors know they are responsible for bringing their own.
Advertise your health fair. Place ads in local newspapers. Include the information in the church bulletin and put up posters around your church. Ask local stores if you can place a flier in their windows. Depending on your budget, you may be able to purchase lawn signs to put up around town.
Arrange for refreshments. Ask church members to donate baked goods for a bake sale table. Send letters to stores in your area asking if they would like to donate hot dogs, burgers, rolls, soda or water to cut down on costs to the church. If you do get donations, assign volunteers to pick them up.
Collect donations for door prizes. Ask church members to donate items. Even small donations can be grouped together in baskets to make a nice prize.