The Effects of Flood Water on Home Framing
The Main Functions of a Frame
Besides being the backbone of the house, a home's frame supports the doors and windows as well. The frame also provides support for the exterior siding and the interior walls and ceilings, as well as the rafters which support the roof. In addition, the frame also accommodates the home's insulating material and all of its electrical wiring.
Effects on the Soil and Foundation
Houses are built on foundations directly connected to a home's frame structure. Since flooding saturates the soil with water, there is a risk the foundation of the house might become loose or uneven. When this happens, the stress created by the uneven foundation could damage the whole frame, which can be seen when cracks appear on certain parts of the home's frame or external walls.
Direct Effect on the Home's Frame
Depending on the frame's material, there are several effects that can result from flooding. Aside from this, the amount of time that the frame has been soaked in water also has a tremendous effect. Wood naturally seeps water unless having previously been treated with chemicals. When wood has been soaked in water for a period of time, there is the possibility of mold and rot formation. Even if only a single part of the frame rots, the whole frame might be affected since the distribution of weight and pressure may change. Frames made of steel can also be affected, as metal naturally corrodes when consistently immersed in water.
Safety and Repair
Despite the adverse damages flood water may bring about, there are ways in which a person can repair the damages or prevent further damage. After the flood is over, the skirting can be removed to allow drying under the home. A person can also remove any vapor barriers on the ground under the house's frame to allow the soil to dry and avoid dampness. Once the soil is dry, the vapor barrier can then be replaced. It is also necessary to check the anchors for damage and to ensure they are solidly in the soil. Shims between the pier and the home frame should also be checked to confirm they are secure.