Backcountry Area Radio Communication
Two-Way Radios
Two-way radios offer the most reliable and convenient communication method for backcountry areas. Most two-way radios come configured for Family Radio Service, General Mobile Radio Service or both. GMRS radios have more channels and more power than the more commonly purchased FRS radios, but radios with both bands offer the best of range.
Ham Radios
Ham radios offer high power and reliability, even in backcountry areas. Ham radio users must obtain their amateur ham license to broadcast, and as a result, ham radios appear less frequently than FRS or GMRS radios. Enough ham radio clubs exist for emergency communications to succeed more often than not, however.
Citizen Band Radios
Citizen Band radios have a reputation for frequent use between truckers. CB radios have a limited range and frequent problems with interference, but having a small, inexpensive CB in your vehicle for emergency or weather channel purposes works well as an extra precaution.