How to Use EBT Food Stamps in Florida

In Florida, the program long referred to as the food stamp program is presently referred to as the ACCESS program. It has been designed to help needy, low-income individuals and families obtain nutritious food and beverages so that they will not go without food during difficult times. The amount of electronic benefits transfer assistance (EBT) that the Florida state government will grant depends on the number of eligible family members in the household. Qualifying for the program requires filling out an application, providing verification of income and providing verification of Florida residency.


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      Qualify for a food-assistance account with the State of Florida. Applications can be obtained from the Florida Department of Health and Human Services. Completing the forms will require details on each household member. It will be necessary to provide current income, banking, debt information and documentation of monthly bills. If you are rejected, you may appeal, but the determing factor of whether you qualify is based on the number of people in the home and the amount of debt to income.

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      Receive your benefits card from the Florida State Department of Health and Human Services. An average award for a family of four with an approved income-to-debt ratio would be about $600 a month.

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      Once approved, go to any participating grocery store. The ACCESS Florida logo should appear at the checkout areas if the location participates in the ACCESS program.

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      Fill your grocery basket with healthy foods such as fruit, vegetables, canned goods, meats, seeds for growing food and healthy beverages. You are not permitted to purchase pre-cooked hot foods, alcohol or tobacco products with the EBT ACCESS card. Items purchased that do not qualify under the ACCESS program can be paid for separately with your own funds.

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      Go to the checkout stand and have the cashier total your purchase.

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      Slide your ACCESS Florida card through the credit card/ATM machine at the grocery checkout line and complete your transaction. The machine will prompt you for a pin number just as it would on any debit card. Enter your pin number and the transaction is complete.

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