How to Overcome Bullying
Things You'll Need
- Journal
Overcoming Cyberbullying
Ignore the cyberbully by not responding to text messages, emails or instant messages. Cyberbullies want you to engage with them; responding will only encourages them to further harass you because they know they have control over your emotions.
Save all messages sent by a bully including chats, blog posts and text messages. Messages sent on the Internet can be traced by the police and Internet service providers through the bully's Internet Protocol address. Keeping a record will show how often the bullying occurs, when it occurs and by whom.
Report the cyberbully to the authorities including the local police and the victim's school if he is a student. Many state senates have passed bills that require school districts to expand their bullying policies to include cyberbullying, according to the Social Safety website.
Overcoming Workplace Bullying
Document the bully's harassment against you in a journal. Keeping a record will show how often the bullying occurs. According to the Bully Online website, recording the pattern of bullying is important because it reveals intent and a bully can't explain away a pattern as easily as a single incident.
Talk to your coworkers to determine if they are experiencing bullying by the same person. If they are, work together and have them also keep records of the bully's behavior.
Research your company's policy to see if the bully has violated any rules with their bullying. Also look for laws against harassment or discrimination that the bully has broken. The Workplace Bullying website suggests consulting with an employment lawyer to help determine if any laws were violated.
Contact the bully's most senior boss and using your journal as evidence, as well as your coworkers' journals, explain how the bully has violated company rules or laws. The Workplace Bullying website recommends speaking in a unemotional and concise manner and to describe to the boss how the bully is disrupting the company's productivity.
Describe to the boss what actions you want taken against the bully such as a transfer or disciplinary action.
Overcoming School Bullying
Report the bullying to your child's school. Find out what policy the school has that address bullying before insisting on immediate actions to protect your child. Meanwhile, keep a journal of the bullying incidents.
Meet with the parents of the bully with a mediator or law enforcement officer present. Show the parents a journal of documented harassment their child has made if they refuse to believe your claims.
Meet with the superintendent or school board commissioners if the conflict it not resolved by contacting the school or meeting with the parents. If the child is being physically bullied, contact local law enforcement.