How do I Donate Plasma in Tempe, AZ?
According to Temple plasma collector CSL Plasma, you must weigh at least 110 pounds and be 18 to 65 years old to donate plasma. You will have to provide a social security card and other proof of identity to donate. Expect your first visit to take two hours; subsequent visits will be shorter.
New plasma donors must pass a health screening and have enough iron in their blood; low iron levels prevent donation. If you pass the screening, a nurse will set you up for donation. A needles sucks out your blood, then returns the blood to your body once the plasma has been extracted. When you're finished, return to the reception area to receive compensation.
As of November 2010, CSL Plasma was the only place in Tempe for plasma donation. Additional options nearby include Biomat USA in Mesa (five miles away), Blood Systems and Biocare in Scottsdale (seven miles away), and Biomat USA and Biocare in Phoenix (13 miles away).
Prepare your body to give plasma by eating a healthy meal no more than three hours before the donation. You must also drink enough water to remain hydrated. This helps your body recover.