An Evacuation Plan for Daycare Providers
Knowing your location and available resources should be the base of any evacuation plan. Your local Red Cross can supply you with information on the signals or warnings for local disasters and emergency contact numbers. Knowing the basic information helps you plan for certain common emergencies.
Contact Information/Supplies
Keep a tote or small bag containing important information on each child such as emergency contacts. Equip the bag with a first aid kit, flashlights with extra batteries, hand sanitizer, baby wipes, diapers (if small children are present) and snacks and water. This bag should be easily accessible, and every member of the staff needs to know where it is kept. It should be regularly updated and stocked at all times.
Exit Routes
Be sure to check with your local fire marshal or code inspector on the number of required emergency exits. Officials may come in and assist you with any questions you have.
All exits should be clearly labeled at all times. Identify multiple exit routes for different emergency situations. These evacuation routes should be posted in every room and visible at all times. Designate meeting places outside in the front and back of the daycare center. Exits from the building should never be blocked or obstructed. If children need to be transported, a plan for that should be in place as well.
Staff should practice evacuation drills regularly. Involve the children so they will be calm in the event of a real emergency. After having drills, the children will not become so frightened, because the routine will be familiar.