The Risks of Living Near Power Lines
Cancer in Adults
Studies have looked into a connection between brain cancer, breast cancer, leukemia and certain lymphomas in adults and proximity to power lines and have found conflicting results. Studies that have found people living near power lines to have more vulnerability to cancer have failed to take into account other considerations, such as genetics, pure chance, nutrition and other factors that may affect susceptibility to such illnesses. Other studies have shown no relationship between EMF levels generated from power lines and cancers.
Cancer in Children
There have been reports that confirm an elevated risk of childhood leukemia with exposure to EMF. However, there is no factual proof that proximity to power lines actually causes the disease. The American Physical Society maintains that without proof of a consistent and causal relationship of such effects, it cannot be scientifically substantiated that living near power lines causes cancer.
Resale Value
Though there is insufficient evidence to confirm that living near power lines has negative health effects, people are still wary and uncertain about buying a house in close proximity to power lines. With even the slightest possibility that living near power lines might cause cancer in adults and children, you may experience difficulty when trying to sell a home in such a vicinity. The resale value of your house may decrease if you live near a power line.