How Long Do Nits Survive?
What Are Nits?
Nits are the eggs laid by head lice. According to the Vermont Department of Health (VDOH), unhatched nits are laid close to the scalp, attached to individual strands of hair and are usually tan or brownish in color. The VDOH specifies that the unhatched eggs cannot be transferred from one person to another.
How Long Can Nits Survive?
According to Nix, a producer of lice treatment products, nits can survive for up to 10 days away from a human scalp. Nix also says that nits must have a blood meal within one hour of hatching to survive.
According to, the primary method of preventing head lice is to avoid head-to-head contact and sharing items such as combs and hats. Vermont's DOH recommends using an over-the-counter permethrin or pyrethrin product if you have nits. Your doctor can also prescribe a treatment shampoo if necessary. If you prefer not to use a chemical treatment product, recommends removing nits using a nit comb or another fine-tooth comb every three to four days for a minimum of two weeks.