How to Donate Plasma in Lincoln, Nebraska
Contact one of Lincoln's local plasma donation centers to make an appointment (see Resources). Your first appointment and donation will determine if it is safe for your plasma to be given to patients.
Drink plenty of water and eat healthy meals the day before and the day of the appointment. Doing so helps your iron and protein levels, and it might make the donation go faster. Fluids will also help reduce any side effects after the donation. Take special care to avoid caffeine and alcohol, and foods that are high in fat and salt.
Bring the required documentation to your appointment. The donation center will need a document that shows your Social Security or INS number and a valid photo ID showing your current address. This could be a Nebraska driver's license or military ID.
Undergo a brief medical exam. A medical staff member will take down your medical history and check your vital signs. You will also have a small blood sample taken from your finger to check your proteins.
Start the plasma donation process. A technician will insert a needle into your arm. The needle extracts the blood from your arm and delivers it to a machine that separates the plasma from the blood cells and then returns the blood cells to you. The process takes from 30 to 50 minutes.
Wait a few minutes after donation to ensure you do not feel dizzy or sick. When you are ready, return to the front desk to collect your money for donating. Your plasma will be tested for certain diseases like HIV and hepatitis, and you will be contacted with the results.