Temporal Abdominal Exercises
Most people know that crunches -- also called sit-ups -- are a common exercise to work the abdominal muscles. It is important, however, to execute the exercise properly to strengthen your abs successfully. Lie on your back with legs bent and feet hip-width apart. Place your hands on the side of your head. Lift your shoulders so that your upper torso forms a 45-degree angle to the ground. Keep your lower back on the ground. As you descend, do not let your head touch the floor. Pretend your chin is holding a grapefruit against your neck so you keep your head in the right position. A slower crunch is more effective than a faster one. Simple Fitness Solutions suggests rising in two seconds, holding for two seconds and descending in two seconds. Remember to breathe. If you feel tension in your abdominal muscles, you know you are performing the crunch correctly. For an easier version, keep your arms flat on the floor.
Bench Leg Raises
Lie on a workout bench parallel to the floor. Your lower legs should be hanging horizontally off the bench. Bend your arms, so that your hands lie next to your head and are gripping the sides of the bench. If you do not have access to a bench, lie on the floor and grip a sturdy piece of furniture. Lift your legs as high up as they can go; only your abdominal muscles should be powering this motion. Lower your legs, but do not allow them to fully descend into a horizontal position as you go into the next lift. Remember to perform each repetition slowly and to breathe.
Hip Bridges
Hip bridges work your abdominal muscles, your lower back and your butt. Lie down on a mat with your arms at your sides and your knees bent hip-width apart. Before starting the set, slightly raise your butt and lower back off the floor. To start the set, arch your back so that from your knees down to your shoulders form a straight line; your arms, head and shoulders should remain flat on the floor. Hold for three to five seconds and then lower your back and butt down to just above the floor (they should not touch the floor). Remember to breathe with each repetition.
Frequency and Repetitions
When you are just starting out, perform a maximum of 75 to 80 repetitions of temporal abdominal exercises. If you were to do the three suggested exercises, do a maximum 20 repetitions of the first exercise, take a short break, and move on to the next. Six Pack Now Abs Program recommends only performing these exercises two to three days a week. On days you don't exercise your abs you can do a 20- to 30-minute cardio exercise. Once your abs begin to strengthen, you may be able to increase the number of repetitions, but listen to your body. If your abs are extremely sore, you may need to give them a break.