What Are the Causes of Water Stress?
Population Growth
An increase in people means more water usage for bathing, washing dishes, cooking and other activities. World population tripled in the 1900s, resulting in six times the usage of water resources, reports World Water Council. With the council estimating a population increase of another 40 to 50 percent through 2050, water stress may increase. Water can be conserved by measures such as taking shorter showers, turning faucets off while brushing teeth, and using timers for lawn watering.
The cutting away of trees and clearing of paths for new factories, manufacturing plants and other industrial facilities, as well as for purposes of urbanization, all affect water supply. Many industrial plants use water as a cooling agent or ingredient for various manufacturing processes and procedures, as well as for cleaning. Water stress can result if these uses occur in conjunction with other factors.
Poor, developing nations lack the knowledge and finances to convert water from rivers, lakes and other sources into safe drinking water. Help is desperately needed to establish water plants, piping and sanitation systems. This would also greatly improve people's health. In 2004, the World Health Organization announced that world-wide each day, 3,900 youth die from contracting disease due to unsafe water conditions. It estimated in 2002 that an astounding 1.1 billion people around the world lack access to clean drinking water.
Extremely hot and humid weather leads to evaporation and an abundance of dried up or low streams, rivers and lakes. Drought, caused by excessive sunlight and little to no rainfall for long periods, is a major cause of water stress on plants and agriculture, resulting in a reduction of crop yields. Little rainfall means less moisture within the soil, making it difficult for plants to exert the energy needed to get water. Wind can also contribute by causing plants and soil to dry out more quickly.
Soil and water with high levels of salt also cause water stress. Saline adds weight to water, which puts incredible stress upon plants to draw the water in. Many crops are destroyed by salt water. Although water is abundant throughout the world, most is contained within expansive oceans. Only 2.5 percent is not saltwater and can be used by humans. Of this 2.5 percent, only one-third is liquid freshwater. Glaciers and permanently snow-covered regions contain the rest.
Rampant pollution of water can render it unusable. Humans litter and industrial plants dump waste into freshwater rivers, lakes and streams. This waste typically contains toxic chemicals that make the water dangerously unhealthy. If the problem is not resolved, an estimated 18,000 square kilometers of freshwater around the world could be destroyed by 2050, according to an article from The Age in Australia.