Guidelines for Food Stamps for Georgia
To qualify, you must be a Georgia resident with either less than $2,001 in the bank or less than $3,001 in the bank and sharing a home with a person over 60 years old or a person with a disability. Your household should have an income of less than $14,079 for one person, plus $4,862 for each additional person living in the home.
Application Process
If you meet the eligibiilty requirements, you may apply online at Georgia's COMPASS website. You may also apply in person at any of Georgia's Department of Family and Children's Services (DFCS) offices. For an office location nearest you, call the Georgia DFCS toll free at 1-800-869-1150.
Next Steps
After your application is filed, you or a member of your household must be interviewed by a DFCS staff member. If you have difficulty getting to a DFCS office, the interview may be done in your home or by telephone or mail. After your application is approved, DFCS must begin providing you with benefits within 30 days. Under special circumstances, benefits may be provided within seven days of your application.
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