How do I Donate Vaccines for Children in USA?
Locate an organization that specializes in donating money for vaccines. Organizations such as MD Anderson, National Vaccination Information Center, The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, and IAVI use your donation to distribute vaccines for various illnesses to children in the United States.
Visit the websites of these organizations and determine which charity you are interested in. Technology has advanced to the point where you can securely donate to one of these organizations and they can provide the needed vaccine to a child. The organization you are interested in will specify the amount of money it takes to distribute a specific number of vaccinations. For example, UNICEF has a program where one purchase of Pampers diapers equals one vaccine.
Make the online donation by following the organizations specific prompts. You will need to fill out the donation form in its entirety and select the amount you are donating. You can pay by credit or debit when donating online. If you'd like, there is an option of mailing in your donation. Each organization's mailing address will be displayed on their individual websites. If you want to mail in your donation, you can download the form from their website and attach a check or money order. Each organizations has a tax identification number, so you can file this donation as a tax deduction.
Take an informative and fun quiz to help donate vaccines to children in the United States. Give Vaccines is an organization that uses quizzes to help donate vaccines to children. This opportunity consists of a vocabulary quiz in basic English and medical terminology. For every correct answer, Give Vaccines will donate the funds needed to purchase the vaccines. The number you get correct will determine the amount of the contribution. This quiz can be taken through their online database and can be completed in a few minutes. Once you complete the quiz, the number you get correct will be collected and tallied up.