Missouri Healthcare Grants
Missouri Foundation for Health Grants
The Missouri Foundation for Health serves 84 Missouri counties, including St. Louis, by distributing grants, and was founded in 2000. In the last few years, the foundation has funded $13.1 million in improvements to 84 state health departments and an $11 million project to provide the human papillomavirus vaccine to 30,000 girls and women.
The foundation supports Missouri Health, especially the needs of the "uninsured, under-insured and underserved," by funding studies, and the equipment, staff and operation of programs. The Missouri Foundation for Health awards the grants annually.
Groups eligible to seek funding are nonprofit corporations, state and local agencies, and applicants registered to conduct business in Missouri. For-profit organizations are not eligible to apply. Contact the foundation for more detailed information.
Missouri Foundation for Health
1000 St. Louis Union Station, St. 400
St. Louis, MO 63103
314-345-5500, 800-655-5560
Healthy and Active Communities Grant
The Healthy and Active Communities Grant is a specific grant under the umbrella of the nonprofit Missouri Foundation for Health. The grant is earmarked to help the state fight obesity, which has become a "serious public health issue, affecting the residents of the entire MFH service region," according to the foundation. The money is awarded to groups and projects that fight obesity by hosting programs that promote healthy lifestyles, community education, improved access to healthy activities and public policy.
The Healthy and Active Communities Grant recently funded a $74,960 program conducted by St. Louis University and a $74,245 program by the Butler County Health Department.
Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City
The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to bolstering health care in Missouri, particularly for the uninsured and underserved.
As of summer 2010, the foundation's three highest funding priorities were Safety Net Health Care, Healthy Lifestyles and mental health. Grant applications are accepted at specific times throughout the year, according to the foundation. The deadlines are made public through the media and on the foundation website. Hospitals, universities, affiliated foundations and research organizations may submit two grant applications.
Limited funds are also set aside for applicant-defined grants, with a $75,000 cap per award.
Recently, the foundation has awarded $4 million in Healthy Lifestyles Grants, $6 million in mental health grants and $700,000 to allow safety-net clinics to operate after hours. Since the foundation began distributing grants in 2005, more than $100 million has gone to community health programs.
Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City
2700 E. 18th St., Suite 220
Kansas City, MO 64127