Three Different Types of Population Pyramids
Expansive Pyramids
Expansive pyramids typically represent populations with high fertility rates and below-average life expectancies. They show larger numbers or percentages of younger age groups, and each successively older group is represented by a smaller bar. This pyramid type is typically applied to many Third World countries, and areas of Latin America.
Constrictive Pyramids
Much the opposite of expansive pyramids, constrictive pyramids show lower numbers or percentages for younger people and larger numbers for adults than do expansive pyramids. These pyramids typically reflect populations with a large number of adults and a longer average life expectancy, like those found in the United States and some European countries.
Stationary Pyramids
Stationary pyramids are the middle ground, displaying relatively equal numbers and percentages for almost all age groups involved. These models usually reflect nations with a very even age/sex distribution. Several European countries fall under this population model.