Monthly Safety Checklist for Daycare Storage
The monthly checklist for the daycare storage should reveal storage doors and closets are locked so that children cannot access storage areas. Keys to the storage area should be out of reach of children. This is especially true of storage cabinets or areas that have cleaning supplies or other hazardous elements that would endanger the health and safety of the children.
Clean Storage Space
The storage space must be clean and free of clutter. Items, equipment and supplies should be stored in a tidy and clean way. Areas where storage items are stacked should be placed in a way that cannot topple easily.
Proper Storage
The checklist will also reveal if storage items are stored properly. The checklist allows facility administrators to determine if items are accessible but stored away from ignition sources. The checklist shows if storage items are properly stored in inner rooms. Monthly inspection should show storage space is not in electrical or mechanical rooms. Attics or under floor space are not approved storage areas unless efficiently protected.