How to Apply and Qualify for Welfare & Medi-Cal
Things You'll Need
- California Residency
Visit your county social services office and request information on applying for and qualifying for both Medi-Cal and welfare benefits. Your county social services office will then assign you a representative to discuss your eligibility. Keep in mind, each county will have its own qualification criteria and application procedures.
Fill out the application provided by the county social services office. No matter the qualifications, you will need to fill out and application to request benefits. You may qualify for one program, but not the other, or may qualify just for different parts of a program, depending on your county. You should fill out the entire application and provide accurate information when requested. If you need help filling out the application, you should direct your questions to a representative of the social services office. Make sure you provide all required forms of identification and copies of all documentation requested. As well, what you need for documentation and identification will vary by county.
Attend an interview with your assigned eligibility worker if required. Once you submit you application, the county will assign an eligibility worker to go over your case and determine if he or she needs additional information in order to accept or deny your application. The eligibility worker may also request an interview; if that happens, be sure to show up on time as requested. The processing takes about 45 days once the eligibility worker determines he or she has all the required information to assess the application. You will receive a letter in the mail detailing the outcome of your application.