Handicap Accessibility Requirements of Minnesota
Exterior Access
Accessible parking spaces must be 8 feet wide with an adjacent 5-foot-wide accessible aisle for loading. Each space displays the International Symbol of Accessibility sign centered at the head end, 4 to 5 feet above ground level. These spaces should be located near the closest handicapped accessible entrance. Section 1341.0502
Curb ramps should be 36 inches or wider with flared sides. The maximum slope is 1 inch per every 12 feet, and the transition from curb ramp to the adjoining surface must be free from abrupt changes in height.
Accessible entrances should equal the number of exits required by the building and fire codes. The 32-inch minimum opening width, 1/2 inch or less threshold, and minimum 48-inch space between a series of doors provides accessibility into buildings.
Interior Accessibility
Hallways shall be 36 to 44 inches wide and counters and/or service windows should have a section that is no more than 36 inches above the floor that serves individuals in wheelchairs.
Elevator hall call buttons must be 42 inches above the floor and interior control buttons no higher than 54 inches above the floor. Raised and Braille characters located to the left of control buttons and a handrail on one wall of the elevator, mounted 32 inches above the floor, are interior required elements.
Ramps are needed for changes in elevation when elevators are not used. The minimum width is 36 inches with handrails on both sides when the rise is greater than 6 inches. Five-foot landings must be provided at the top and bottom of the ramp and at intermediate landings for every 30-inch rise.
Interior Usage
Toilet rooms must be accessible by adapting at least one of each type of fixture to Minnesota Accessibility Code, Chapter 1341.0604, page 283.
Drinking fountain spouts should be 36 inches or less above the floor with the operating controls in front.
Assembly areas shall provide wheelchair seating according to the assembly seating table. Locations should be dispersed around and at different levels of the assembly area with adjacent companion seating.