U.S. Government Health Care Grants

Government health agencies and departments such as the U.S. Department of health and Human Services have many grants available for the improvement of health care. Government health care grants are available for community projects, research, prevention centers and other causes.
  1. HIV/AIDS Research Grants

    • Autoimmune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) research grants are available through the National Institute of Health for projects that consider the impact nutrition has on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS. Examiners will consider how improved nutrition of infected women, infants, and children affect their illnesses. You don't need experience to apply for this grant. Applications will be considered by colleges and universities, charities, small businesses and other entities. Applicants should prepare a proposal about their research plans such as budget projections, topic, operative plans and other pertinent information needed. Applications should be submited to grants.gov.

      Christopher Robey

      Grants Management Team Leader

      National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

      National Institutes of Health

      6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 8A01C, MSC 7510

      Bethesda, MD 20892-7510

      301- 435-6996


    Centers for Disease Control Prevention and Technical Assistance Grants

    • The United States Department of Health and Human Services along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have grant opportunities to address health care needs of underprivileged people. These grants provide programs to address the health needs of individuals living with illness, such as fetal alcohol syndrome (FASD). Money provided by the grant is awarded to organizations and businesses for the establishment of prevention, treatment and screening programs to families living with health challenges. Eligibility requirements for the grant states that the applicant must be a nonprofit organization or a for-profit business that is small, minority owned or woman owned. A project proposal should be attached with the application and submitted electronically through grants.gov. Once submitted, the application will be added to an online database that is updated periodically.

      The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

      200 Independence Avenue, SW

      Washington, D.C. 20201



    Accessible and Affordable Hearing Health Care

    • According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 17 percent of American adults report some degree of hearing loss. The National Institute on Deafness has proposed a research grant available for new and innovative ideas to provide accessible and affordable hearing health care. Research topics should answer questions about the challenges of accessing hearing health care, what personal situations contribute to reduced access to care and how to develop low-cost hearing tests. This opportunity is unrestricted. Interested applicants should submit their proposal plans along with their application through grants.gov.

      National Institutes of Health (NIH)

      9000 Rockville Pike

      Bethesda, MD 20892



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