What Are Clinical Models in Social Work Settings?
Medical Model
For a client who presents with an alcohol addiction, a social worker using the medical model may recommend medications to ease the symptoms of withdrawal, supplements to improve overall health and nutrition, and sleeping aids and/or anti-anxiety medications to help the client stay sober.
Psychological Model
The same alcoholic treated within the psychological model may be directed to counseling to discover the underlying reasons for the alcohol addiction. Counseling will include interviews, assessments, and private and group therapy sessions. The psychologist will be seeking to discern the origins of patterns of self-defeating behavior.
Behavioral Model
Social workers who favor the behavioral model may seek first to eliminate the problem behavior by providing positive reinforcement for sobriety and negative reinforcement for alcohol use. Behaviorists see the problem as a behavior that must be changed and do not emphasize underlying psychological issues. Positive reinforcement might include recognition of anniversary dates of sobriety with praise, certificates or celebrations. Negative reinforcement includes a lack of recognition and, more subtly, recognition of others who are achieving their goals.
Family Systems Model
The family systems model adherent will delve into the client's family relationships. This will include the client's childhood family and their adult family relationships. According to this model, if dysfunctions and negative behavior patterns in family relationships are corrected, the client will get well.
Spiritual Model
Alcoholics Anonymous and other Twelve Step programs may direct the client to examine his spiritual condition, or his relationship to a Higher Power. Along with this personal spiritual relationship, the client would be encouraged to mend his human relationships by asking forgiveness from and making amends to other people he has harmed.
Holistic Model
The holistic model of treatment draws from all other models and attempts to integrate them by individualizing the treatment plan to the specific client. After assessing different aspects of the client's life, a holistic treatment model may include medication, counseling, behavior contracts and family involvement. Holistic treatment attempts to deal with the whole person in the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social domains.