Elect to Be Drug-Free Poster Board Ideas
Effects of Drugs
Create poster boards that give people the facts about drugs. Choose commonly used drugs, like marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy, and explain the short- and long-term effects of the drug on the poster board. For example, on the informational marijuana poster board, list that marijuana speeds up a user’s heart rate, increasing the risk of a heart attack. Long-term use damages the heart and lungs and cause psychotic symptoms. Create multiple poster boards with different drug facts, and display them around your school or facility.
Ways to Say No
Educate people in ways to say "no" to drugs. These tips are especially important for impressionable children and teenagers, so use this poster board idea for school campaigns. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests several ways to say no, including simply saying “No, thanks,” giving a reason why you can’t use drugs and finally, walking away from the offer or changing the subject. List these suggestions on the poster board with the title “Just Say No.”
Get Treatment
The first step in solving a substance-abuse problem is coming to terms with it. Use your drug-free poster board to identify local resources for support. Title the poster board with a question such as, “Do you have a drug problem?” or “Are you dealing with addiction?” List the names of counselors and rehabilitation facilities in the area. If you have a resource in your school or youth center, tell students to visit that person for a confidential screening.
Featured User
Children and young adults might glorify drugs by what they see on television and in the movies. Set them straight by featuring a former drug user on your poster. Tell her story--maybe she has lifelong health problems due to past drug use, or she lost her job or family because of her drug habit. Contact local rehabilitation facilities or anti-drug organizations to point you toward a user who wants to share his story. Include a photo of the ex-user during his drug days and a present-day picture as well.