How to Use a Lead Cane
Things You'll Need
- Lead cane
- Accessories of your choice
Hold the cane in your dominant hand with the inside of your palm facing up. Curl your fingers around it to form a comfortable grasp. Hold your arm down at your side like you normally would when walking, and angle your wrist so that the tip of the cane extends out in front of you and touches the ground.
Slowly shift the cane from left to right to check for any objects obstructing your path. It is important not to lean on the cane like you would a walking cane, or to drag it across the ground. If you do, you chance the cane getting stuck on an object and snapping it or ramming it into your gut.
Let the cane hover just above the ground as you move it from side to side. Gently tap the cane against the ground to test the ground in front of you. Depending on the way the cane bounces or the pitch of the click it makes, you’ll be able to tell what is covering the ground in around you, such as carpet, cement or stone.
When you are not walking around, tuck the cane against the heel of your foot like you would a normal walking cane. This will keep the cane out of other people’s way, making sure that you are not posing a threat to any nearby crowds or pedestrians.