Self Defense Devices for Women
Personal Alarms
Personal alarms and whistles can deter attackers. Personal alarms are used to startle a potential attacker and buy time for you to escape. They may attract attention from passersby, but you shouldn't rely upon others. Because the intent is to distract the attacker, the sound should be piercing and uncomfortably loud. To make it readily accessible, any personal alarm should be small and lightweight and carried in your hand. Be sure it has fresh batteries.
Batons and Flashlights
A large flashlight makes a good weapon. Carrying a baton or large flashlight is an option that serves as both a deterrent and a weapon. A potential attacker will likely think twice before approaching a woman with an obvious weapon. He may also believe it to be a stun baton, a baton with the capabilities of a stun gun, and be further deterred by the risk of an electric jolt. Batons and flashlights may also be used in conjunction with personal alarms or other security devices.
Pepper Spray
Pepper spray can be used from some distance. Pepper spray has an advantage over personal alarms for its ability to actually incapacitate an attacker rather than just startle. Pepper spray contains oleoresin of capsicum and is sprayed into an attacker’s face from an aerosol canister. This causes intense burning pain and makes the eyes swell shut and the sinuses drain. Though it causes no permanent damage, it is painful and temporarily blinding, providing a means of escape. One caution, however, is that the spray will do the same to you if you if you are not careful.
Stun Guns
Stun guns transmit high voltage electricity. Stun guns are hand-held electronic devices that will incapacitate an attacker with a single touch of a second or two. The prongs on a stun gun transmit high voltage electricity into the attacker, causing severe pain and loss of muscle control. This usually results in the attacker falling to the ground disoriented for up to 15 minutes. An advantage of the stun gun is use in close quarters without potential harm to you from the device.
Firearms require training to be effective. In some states, carrying a firearm is allowed with a permit. Proper training is essential to make a handgun an effective weapon of self-defense, however. Remember, if you are not truly willing to use it, you could be arming your attacker instead. For women who are unsure about their willingness to use a firearm, a less-than-lethal option is the better option. Women who feel comfortable using lethal force should obtain the appropriate permits and training to avoid injuring themselves or innocent bystanders.