Fluorescent Light Warnings
While claiming to be environmentally safe and more energy efficient, fluorescent bulbs contain small amounts of mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin, which causes brain and kidney damage. According to an MSNBC news, "The amount is tiny, about 5 milligrams, or barely enough to cover the tip of a pen, but that is enough to contaminate up to 6,000 gallons of water beyond safe drinking levels, extrapolated from Stanford University research on mercury." Contained in the bulb, the mercury does no damage. The problem is bulbs are disposed of improperly and mass amounts of breakage occurs. This spreads mercury into our waste systems.
Skin Cancer
Melanoma has also been linked to fluorescent lighting. The Medical journal Lancet published a study conducted in London and Sydney that stated that those who work under fluorescent their whole lives are twice as likely to get skin cancer as those who did not. This is the result of small amounts of ultraviolet rays emitting from the bulbs. It would however take long term exposure to these bulbs to have a possible effect.
A small amount of sunlight per day provides vitamins for the body. Natural sunlight also can improve mood and provide energy. This is because it promotes the secretion of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, in the brain which affect mood. Fluorescent bulbs do not produce the same effect. Certain types of bulbs also may leak trace amounts of radiation that affect serotonin production. A more fitting substitution for the benefits of natural sunlight might be the use of full-spectrum lighting.