Difference Between a Sauna & a Steam Bath
Wet or Dry
The major difference between a sauna and a steam bath is that saunas use dry heat and steam baths use wet heat. The sauna is designed to raise the temperature of the room to well over 120 degrees Fahrenheit, sometimes reaching almost 200 degrees. Most people would think this kind of heat is deadly, but due to the dry conditions, with around 10 percent humidity, the body is able to sweat out water to cool itself. The steam bath only heats the room to around 100 degrees, because it stays near 100 percent humidity which disallows the body the ability to cool through evaporation.
A sauna is traditionally heated by setting special heat rocks on a heat source, either fire or an electric heater. The rocks radiate the heat throughout the room evenly. Some sauna allow for small amounts of water to be poured over the rocks which rapidly increases the temperature and raises the humidity slightly, but the increased humidity dissipates. Steam rooms are heated by pumping hot water vapor into the room and allowing some fresh air in.
A sauna, due to its high heat and low humidity is traditionally made out of wood. Saunas usually have wooden benches inside to sit on, because the wood will not hold on to the heat much, thus preventing burns on the user's skin. Steam baths, on the other hand, are created air tight and are lined on the inside with ceramic tile to prevent the vapor from escaping. Steam rooms must be built with a slanted ceiling so that the steam does not drip on the user's head.
Sauna Benefits
Saunas are purported to strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation, enhance detoxifying processes, to deeply clean and rejuvenate skin and to relieve stress and tension. By raising the body's temperature so drastically, a sauna can kill off bacteria, parasites and fungi in and on the body. By creating an artificial fever, through raising your body's temperature, your body's immune system increases activity, as if you were sick. Finally, by sweating out so many toxins, a sauna can help clear up and prevent acne.
Steam Bath Benefits
Steam baths are great for relieving joint and muscle pain and tension. The increased heat in a steam room will also help to improve blood circulation, and similar to a sauna, can create an artificial fever to increase the strength of your immune system. A major benefit that steam baths offer that saunas do not is the respiratory benefits of steam. Breathing in steam can help relieve sinus trouble, asthma, allergies and bronchitis.
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