Classroom Chemical Storage Safety Rules
Label all chemicals with a permanent marker. Write the type of chemical contained and the date. Some classrooms use a piece of secure tape and write the name of the chemical on the tape, then place the tape on the containers. This allows the storage containers to be re-used. Permanent marker ensures the labels won't wear off. If labels do wear off, replace them as soon as you notice. If a chemical is flammable, include the word "flammable" on the label.
Flammable Chemicals
Store flammable chemicals away from flammable objects and materials, and store them at room temperature--not in a refrigerator. Chemicals can be organized by type, such as flammable and non-flammable. Some classrooms have separate cabinets, or shelves, to keep the two types of chemicals apart. Metal shelves are safest for flammable chemicals. Have a fire extinguisher in the classroom in case of a fire. Educate the students, and anyone else who may use the chemicals, how to properly use a fire extinguisher. It's a good idea to post a sign in the room explaining how.
Shelving and Cupboards
Store chemicals away from work areas to avoid spills, and on a high shelf or cupboard in case small children access the room. Lock cabinets and doors and place a label, or small sign, on the outside of the doors to notify others of the contents. If chemicals must be stored in lower cabinets, secure them with a lock, or at the least a child safety cabinet lock--a small plastic locking device that doesn't require a key.
Emergency Preparedness
In addition to the classroom fire extinguisher, have a first aid kit in the room. Show everyone where the first aid kit is located and explain what the items in the kit are used for. Post a sign, or various signs, near the storage areas of the classroom that explain the safety rules, as well as emergency phone numbers, such as poison control. Discuss chemical storage with your students, and teach them how to properly store chemicals in the classroom.