The Use of Animals in Scientific Research
Understanding a Disease
Certain animal species acquire the same diseases and their bodies usually respond to a condition almost the same way as humans. Thus, "animal models" are often used when scientists want to investigate and characterize a disease. In studies with this objective in mind, the animals are made to acquire the disease, then the signs, symptoms and the characteristics of the disease are observed for a period of time.
Testing Medication Effectiveness
In the process of discovering new drugs and medicines, scientists have to first investigate the actions of the drug on the organ systems of animals. Various methods are used to measure the levels of drugs present in the blood and how these drug-blood levels affect the test organism and the disease present.
In the same way, the safety of a drug or cosmetic substance has to first be tested on animals before regulatory agencies will allow testing trials on humans. Test animals are subjected to various cosmetic doses, and their responses to it are evaluated for toxic effects. If the new chemical passes the test for safety, then the new cosmetic material is one step nearer to being approved for use in humans.
Xenotransplantation is a field of research that involves tissue and organ transplanting from one species to another with the objective of easing the shortage of human organs available for transplants. Animals, such as pigs and primates, are involved in current research. Other new medical procedures also have to be tested on animals before they can be performed on humans.
Animal Types
Animals that are to be used in research are usually bred for the sole purpose of using them for testing in research. Animals most frequently used in research are mice and rats, followed by rabbits, birds, guinea pigs and hamsters. Pigs, sheep, primates, dogs and cats are also used to a lesser extent.