Patient Assistance Eye Programs
The Lion's Club
The Lion's Club is an international organization, which carries preserving sight in people all over the world as one of its missions. Local Lion's Clubs collect glasses, and they bring them to one of its recycling centers where the prescriptions are read from the glasses. The glasses are then cleaned, sorted and prepared for donation to the appropriate individual. Through the donation of services, the Lions Club helps qualified individuals get eye examinations through local eye care providers. That individual is then fitted with a new pair of glasses that are donated by the eye care provider, paid for by the Lion's Club or fitted from a recycled pair. The individual is able to receive her eye examination and eye glasses at little or no cost through this organization. If an individual feels he is in need of such assistance, he should contact their local Lion's Club or visit the website (See References). Either outlet will provide the individual with instructions for becoming qualified for assistance.
Volunteer Optometrists serving humanity.
The acronym for this organization is VOSH, which strives to bring eye care and prescription eye glasses to Third World countries and regions of developing countries with high levels of poverty. The organization also collects glasses at eye doctors' offices, optometry schools, and other places. The same process is followed for sorting the glasses. Once enough glasses have been gathered, a group of optometrists and optometry school students go to a country in need. While they are there, they provide eye examinations to the native citizens and provide them with the best match for a prescription pair of glasses that they can. All of this service is provided at no charge to the patients.
Vision USA
This program was founded by the American Optometric Association. According to the American Optometric Association, this program is available to anyone in the United States who has not had an eye examination in more than two years, does not have any vision insurance and they must meet certain income guidelines. When someone is qualified for this program, she is partnered with a participating optometrist. That optometrist provides the patient with a free eye examination and a pair of glasses at a nominal fee. To determine if someone is eligible for this program, he must visit the website (See References) and search for Vision USA. Either option will help determine eligibility for the program.