Safety Equipment Grants
MMA Risk Management Services Safety Enhancement Grant Program
The Maine Municipal Association sponsors the Risk Management Services Safety Enhancement Grant Program, a grant opportunity program for members of the Maine Municipal Association that need to upgrade or install safety equipment and services. Grants awards can be for $200 to $2,000. A maximum of $5,000 can be awarded to a member throughout the year. Members applying for a grant must also be members of the Workers Compensation Fund. Applications must detail how the grant money will be used and how the workplace will be safer because of it.
Ohio Bureau of Workman's Compensation: Safety Grants
The Ohio Bureau of Workman's Compensation offers a Safety Grants Program to employers in Ohio that fit certain criteria. The grant award needs to be used for new equipment and the purchase date needs to be within three months of the award being given. There cannot be a loss of jobs associated with the purpose of the grant. The employer must submit quarterly and yearly reports to the Bureau of Workman's Compensation for two years after the award is received so that the bureau can track progress and effectiveness.
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Safety Grant Program
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry sponsors a Safety Grant Program that offers awards of up to $10,000 to employers who qualify. In order to apply, employers must fall under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota OSHA, have worker's compensation insurance and be able to match the grant money awarded by the Department of Labor and Industry. Grants are awarded monthly, and when too many applications are filed, organizations that produce goods or services take priority.