Advantages of DNA Fingerprinting
Organ Donation
DNA fingerprinting allows science to determine the best possible match for an organ transplant procedure. Though many factors determine a good match for organ donation, according to Transplant Living, there's a greater chance of organ transplant success when there is a tissue match discovered with DNA typing.
Paternity or Maternity
DNA fingerprinting determines the parentage of children when there is a question regarding one or both of the parents. This benefit of DNA fingerprinting has been used to establish paternity for fathers and can play a role in the outcome of court cases regarding child support.
Recovered missing children---living and deceased---can be identified by the use of DNA fingerprinting. When a child is found, living or deceased, the DNA of parents suspected to be the child's parents can be matched to DNA taken from the recovered child to determine if there is a genetic link.
Law Enforcement
Law enforcement has gained a great deal from the technological advances of DNA fingerprinting. DNA left behind at a crime scene may identify criminals when matched to DNA obtained from a suspect. Even without matching DNA from a suspect, the technology can provide details about the suspect, such as gender, that help law enforcement narrow down a suspect list.
Court cases regularly use DNA fingerprinting to prove a case against a criminal and---in some cases---to clear a previously convicted person of a crime. DNA technology has led to the release of wrongly convicted prisoners. In the United States, there have been 252 exonerations after conviction because of DNA testing, as of March 2010, according to The Innocence Project.