How to Start a Recycling Project at My School
Things You'll Need
- Recycling baskets
A committee keeps things in order. Appoint a committee to oversee the recycling project. Appoint someone to assess the needs of the school and determine how to outfit it with containers, create a budget, coordinate pickups and deal with any problems that may arise as a result of the recycling program. Inform both students and faculty who to call in case any problems arise. Appoint an assistant to take over in case the primary person is on vacation or out sick.
Discuss the benefits of recycling. Hold a special assembly informing teachers and students about current recycling needs and the new program at the school. Explain the magnitude of the problem and why the school decided to recycle. Send for company brochures from recyclers and hand them out at the assembly. Let students and faculty know how they can help make the program a success.
Get students involved. Learn what is and isn't recyclable. To make sure students understand, ask someone from the recycling company to speak at an assembly or call upon an environmental advocate who would love to talk to students and faculty. Invite questions from the audience.
Determine who will pick up your recyclables. Research recycling companies that serve the area surrounding your school district. Ask them for prices and how often they pick up. Find out if the company supplies sturdy recycle containers as part of the service or at a discount. If sold at full price only, check with other companies and compare prices, keeping in mind the needs of the entire school.
Place recycling containers in the school and on the grounds. Once you've obtained prices, order recycling containers and place them in all of the classrooms, teachers' lounges, restrooms, and around the school grounds. Make sure the containers are visible and easy to access. Place the larger ones outdoors within close proximity to entrance and exit doors, near the parking lot, and by the cafeteria entrance. Don't forget the liners for the baskets. Finally, talk to the school's janitors and clean up crew, letting them know to use the recycle containers at every opportunity.