Advantages for Elevated Water Towers
Water Pressure
The biggest advantage of an elevated water tower is that it provides steady, constant water pressure due to gravity. Once water has been pumped into the tower, it has enough pressure to flow down through pipes and into homes using no additional energy. This means that even in the event of a power failure, the water in the tank is available to residents until the supply is exhausted. Using a generator to run the pumps will provide another dose of water, keeping the system operational during an emergency.
Another advantage of elevated water towers is the fact that they simplify security of the domestic water supply. Towers are often located near the reservoirs they draw from, making it easier for a city or town to secure the water supply than it would be if the water were to pass through many smaller pump stations. Centralizing the water supply also provides an easy point where the water can be tested to ensure that it is safe to drink for the entire community.
Civic Pride
Some elevated water towers have become points of civic pride. This can occur if a community uses a historic elevated water tower, which may have distinct architectural elements or a place in local history. In other cases, modern water towers are constructed to resemble an object that is associated with the town, such as a piece of fruit that is harvested locally. Some towers are used to identify towns and may include a town motto or nickname. These techniques help to guard against outrage over elevated tower construction, which can occur when residents feel that a new tower will pose an eyesore or reduce property values.