What Does a Release Form Mean?
Any organized activity where there is a risk of injury will usually require a release form. This includes organized sports such as soccer and basketball, and also includes alternative sports such as wakeboarding and rock climbing.
It is in the best interest of their organization to make sure guests are safe, maintaining a good reputation inside and outside the organization. If the business, company or group hid the fact that people sometimes got injured, that could hurt its standing within the community.
What It Means
By signing a release form, a participant does not have the right to sue the organization because of injuries. He has accepted the fact that he might get injured and that it is not the organization's fault if he does.
On the Job
Companies will sometimes have employees sign release forms if work involves physical activity that involves possible risks or injuries.
Signing the Form
If a minor is the participant in a physical activity, the form usually will require a signature by a parent or guardian. This provides adults in charge the authorization to seek proper medical care for the minor, if necessary.