How to Donate Platelets with a Pacemaker
If you are a pacemaker recipient, you may still donate blood and platelets, but must meet a few requirements.
Ask your doctor if you are medically cleared to donate platelets. Your blood pressure must be below 180 systolic (the top number) and below 100 diastolic (the bottom number) when you are donating. You must also weigh 110 pounds or more and be in general good health.
Rule out any medications you may be taking that make you ineligible for donating. These can be verified by your doctor or the agency taking the platelet donation.
Avoid donation if you have taken aspirin within the previous 48 hours, as blood will be too thin. Aspirin are frequently used with pacemaker patients as an anti-clotting procedure.
Wait six months after any type of heart surgery or symptoms, such as chest pain, before donating to give your body proper time to heal.
Donate only after your pulse is taken. It must be between 50-100 beats per minute with only a few irregular heartbeats.