The Effect of Bromate on the Human Brain

According to Delaware Health and Social Services, bromate is a chemical that is most often found in drinking water. It is a result of a process that disinfects public water to protect communities from harmful bacteria.
  1. Effects on the Brain

    • In March of 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a comprehensive toxicological report on bromate. While exposure to bromate has physiological effects on humans, there is no evidence that bromate has any effect on the brain. What follows is information about what can be effected by over exposure to bromate.

    Gastrointestinal effects

    • According to the EPA, bromate is absorbed through the gastrointestinal system. Over exposure to bromate has been shown to result in stomach irritation, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

    Nervous System Effects

    • The EPA report also states that the central nervous system can be effected by bromate exposure, resulting in a slower heart rate and lethargy. The report also mentions instances when complete and permanent hearing loss have followed bromate over exposure.


    • Exposure to bromate can also lead to kidney failure, which, if left untreated, can result in death, according to the EPA.


    • According to the EPA report, studies have shown that bromate can cause cancer in laboratory animals, such as rats. However, there is no evidence as of yet that bromate causes cancer in humans.

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