The Advantages of Community Drug Treatment Programs
Peer Support
A network of peer recovery advocates is one advantage of the community drug treatment program. This network provides alternative social opportunities, such as team sports, family-centered holiday celebrations and payday gatherings focused on alcohol- and drug-free activities.
Existing Service Integration
Community-based drug treatment programs utilize services that are currently operating within the community and are adversely affected by drug abuse, like low-income family health (WIC), AIDS prevention programs and the criminal justice system.
Social Supports
Community-based drug treatment programs provide four kinds of social support that have proven successful in drug treatment: emotional, informational, instrumental and affiliated.
New Therapies
Clinical trial research is available to support new therapies for treatment. These trials can supply funding for communities interested in participating.
Continuum of Care
Services of a community drug treatment program range from detoxification to aftercare. The coordination of non-specialist services that are needed to meet clients' needs are an advantage to a large population of addicted clients.