What Are the Causes of Sulfur Smell in Drinking Water?
What is Hydrogen Sulfide?
Hydrogen sulfide occurs naturally and is the result of sulfur bacteria forming in water. The bacteria consumes the sulfur in decaying plants and soil and produces hydrogen sulfide as a by-product. The result is a "rotten egg" odor.
Health and Safety
Sulfur bacteria does not cause disease and does not have anything to do with the sanitary quality of the water.
Hydrogen sulfide is corrosive and can tarnish copper, silverware and porcelain. It can also produce slime that clogs plumbing.
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas
While sulfur bacteria does not pose any health threats, high levels of hydrogen sulfide gas can be hazardous. In some cases it is advisable to call your Department of Health to vent or remove the gas from the water.
Locating and Treating
The odor from hydrogen sulfide gas is detectable at a very low level. It is possible that the smell may be coming from the water heater, water softener, or sulfur bacteria in the well. A professional will be able to locate the source and treat the problem.