What Are the Dangers of Juicing?
Steroids, or juice, have been shown in clinical studies to improve muscle mass, endurance and strength. While this is true, they have not been shown to improve skill, agility or athletic performance.
Many people choose to use steroids to improve their chances at becoming a better athlete, and others use them because they think they will improve their looks. This is not true at all, as steroids will cause acne, oily hair, swollen legs and feet, and bad breath.
Juicing, or using steroids, also causes severe mood swings, anger, depression, delusion, paranoia and sleep problems. It also causes vomiting, trembling and high blood pressure.
Other Dangers
Steroids can also severely damage the heart and blood vessels, cause aching joints, liver damage, jaundice, and urinary problems. Juicing can also stunt growth if steroids are taken at an early age.
Besides stunting growth, steroids can cause other long-term problems such as heart disease, stroke and some forms of cancer. In men, steroids cause the testicles to shrink, breasts to develop, impotence and sterility. Females who use juice can develop facial hair, masculine traits and disrupt their menstrual cycle.