How to Report a Complaint to the Joint Commission
Reporting a complaint
Go to and click on "Report Complaint" on the bottom left hand side of the screen. A link to the Joint Commission is provided in the References section of this article.
Click on "Submit a new complaint." Select the state/country, city, and then the health care organization where the incident occurred from the drop down menus. If you are unable to find the organization from the options in the drop down menus, type in the organization's information in the fields provided beneath them. Make sure to have the organization's information with you as there are several noted required fields.
Fill in your name and contact information, which will be kept confidential, in order to be contacted by the Joint Commission regarding your complaint and its outcome.
Enter the date the incident occurred, and write a summary of what took place with as many details as you can remember. At the bottom of the page, select if you would like to be contacted. Click "Submit." You will be given a reference number for the complaint. Make sure to write it down so you have it if you need to update your complaint or contact the Joint Commission for any reason.
Update the complaint (if necessary) by repeating Step 1 above and instead of clicking "Submit a new complaint," choose "Submit an update to a complaint." You will need the reference number provided when you first submitted your original claim.