Safety Issues for Blind People

Blindness or being visually impaired is caused by psychological or neurological factors within your brain and eyes. No light perception is the cause of going completely blind and is normally recorded as (NLP). If you or someone you know is blind, there are certain safety issues you must be aware of.
  1. Fire Risk

    • The blind risk injury or death from a burning building.

      Being blind could cause a person to lack the ability to escape in the event of a fire. The blind risk injury or death.

    Silent Car Risk

    • The blind use car noise to know if a car is coming.

      Hybrid cars were developed to make little or no noise. Blind people use the noise from the cars to safely cross the streets. The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is asking hybrid car makers to allow the car to make some noise so the blind will be safer when they cross the streets.

    Door Risk

    • Open doors to rooms, cabinets and cars are a risk to blind people. When walking, blind pedestrians are more at risk to hit parked car doors, according to

    Cooking Risk

    • Cooking can be a risk for the blind.

      Cooking is a risk because this requires heat. Stoves and microwaves have to be used, and when used incorrectly may cause fires, explosions or electrical shock.

    Kitchen Risk

    • The kitchen is a risk because there are many hazards such as sharp objects and electrical outlets that blind people must learn to negotiate around.

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