What Are the Three R's of Personal Safety & Protection?
The first step is to be aware of and recognize something or someone that may be endangering your safety. This can be a physical threat, or it could be a scheme in order to steal money or your identity.
Once you recognize that there's a danger to your safety, resist the advances or demands of the perpetrator.
After resisting the attempt, report the incident to the appropriate authorities. This could be a supervisor, the police or the administrator of a website.
Internet Schemes
With advancing technology, it's important to remember the three R's when using the Internet and email. Credit card and idenitity theft crimes are on the rise. Be wary of anything suspicious, and report any abuse that occurs.
Stay Alert
Being alert in your surroundings helps you recognize threats. Remember to resist and report all dangers to your safety. Staying aware and using the 3 R's helps you stay safe when confronted with a dangerous situation.