How to Avoid Fluorescent Light
Things You'll Need
- Internet
- Telephone
- Friends and family
- Sunglasses
- Headphones
Change where you shop to avoid fluorescent light. Do all your shopping at large megastores, small specialty shops or outdoor markets. Megastores like Target and Whole Foods need lighting that is stronger than a fluorescent bulb can provide. Instead, they use lights like high pressure sodium or metal halide bulbs. Buy items at small specialty stores. These small businesses avoid fluorescent lighting because it creates a cold and impersonal rather than a warm and friendly atmosphere. They use lighting that more closely resembles your lights at home. Visit your local outdoor farmers and flea market. Outdoor markets are open during the daytime and no lighting is required. You can do your shopping in fresh air and sunlight.
Use the Internet and the telephone to place orders and conduct your official business to avoid fluorescent light. Surf for products online in the comfort of your own home, under the lighting of your choice. When you have official business, like paying bills or renewing your driver's license, contact the office you are planning to visit to see if the task can be completed from home.
Conduct a visual inspection or call ahead to avoid fluorescent light. Before you go to a restaurant or stay in a hotel, call ahead to find out what type of light bulbs they use. The staff may not have an answer immediately; request that they call back with the information. When you are out on the town with friends, ask them to visually inspect the restaurant and its restroom before you enter.
Sit close to a window. Occasionally, fluorescent light is unavoidable. When you must be in the same room with a fluorescent light, the best seat is as close to the window as possible. The natural lighting and ambient noise from outside will help to mitigate the affects of the fluorescent lighting inside.
Wear light-colored sunglasses to make the atmosphere more visibly pleasing. Listen to headphones to avoid the annoying sound emitted by fluorescent lights.