What Can You Do to Prevent Communicable Diseases?

Every fall and winter, seasonal flu hits millions of people. In addition, threats such as H1N1, or swine flu, cause periodic threats. While there are no foolproof ways to avoid getting sick, you can take several measures to decrease the chances of contracting a communicable disease or spreading it to others.
  1. Personal Prevention Tips

    • Wash your hands after coughing or blowing your nose, using the toilet, changing a diaper or playing with a pet. Always thoroughly wash your hands before preparing food and wash your hands frequently if you are caring for a sick person. This measure alone could prevent many instances of communicable disease.

      In addition, avoid becoming overtired, eat a healthful diet and exercise regularly. Do not share combs or brushes, cups, eating utensils, makeup or any object that comes into contact with mucous membranes. If you do feel sick, stay home if possible. Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze by using the sleeve of your garment, not your hand. Keep sick children home from school or day care. This advice also applies to children with lice, skin rashes, diarrhea or vomiting.

      Obtain all needed immunizations before traveling. Do not drink untreated water while traveling, especially in developing countries. If you do get sick, use antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor. Finish the entire prescription, even if you feel better before the medicine is gone.

    Safer Food Preparation

    • Wash countertops and other surfaces where food is prepared thoroughly both before and after food preparation. This is especially important when surfaces are used to prepare meats. Cook all meats thoroughly and wash fruits and vegetables before cooking or eating. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Do not allow foods to sit on a table or countertop for hours before eating or storing them.

    Household Prevention Tips

    • Wash bedding and linens frequently in hot water. Disinfect surfaces such as doorknobs, toilet seats and handles, toys and keyboards. Keep litter boxes clean and do not allow pets to drink out of the toilet. Make sure your pet has regular veterinary care and keep up with any inoculations and worm treatments.

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