Purpose of Pepper Spray
The main residential use of pepper spray is for self-defense. Law enforcement uses pepper spray to handle unruly persons, and can be used in riot control as well. Pepper spray is effective on humans and animals.
Pepper spray causes the eyes to close, tear up and swell. The spray also affects the mucous membranes in the nose, throat and sinuses, causing a burning sensation, along with swelling and difficulty breathing. The balance of the victim is also affected due to the effect on the eyes and the pain receptors in the body.
Pepper spray is legal in all 50 U.S. states. Some states do have regulations on the size, strength and areas where the product can be purchased. Check with local law enforcement to find out the regulations in your state.
Pepper Spray vs. Tear Gas
The effects of pepper spray are an involuntary reaction. It will affect those who feel no pain, such as drunks, psychotics or drug abusers. Wild animals will also be affected in these situations where tear gas would not be effective.
Benefits and Limitations
Pepper spray is a non-lethal, inexpensive, very effective form of self-defense. When using pepper spray in windy conditions, make sure there is a safe distance between the canister and the victim. This will prevent the user from experiencing the effects of the spray as well.