Good Floors for Wheelchairs
Rubber floors
Rubber floors are good for wheelchairs as there is a natural friction between the rubber of the tire on the chair and the rubber on the floor itself. This connection helps the wheelchair be responsive to the user so not as much energy is required to move it. The rubber won't be damaged over time by constant wheeling traffic, as it will naturally bounce back. These floors can be laid down with adhesive over existing floors; they also minimize impact from slips and falls.
Strand-Woven Bamboo Floors
The best hard surface flooring is strand-woven bamboo, as wood floors are damaged by constant wheelchair use and glossy floors are too slippery. This type of floor is made from compressed strips of thin bamboo connected with resin and melded together under high heat and pressure. The result is a flooring material ideal for wheelchairs as it is hard but has excellent traction for rubber wheels. It is also beautiful.
Tile Flooring
A popular type of flooring among wheelchair users, tile flooring is easy to install and is affordable. Porcelain and ceramic tiles are the ideal types for this floor. They are formed in a kiln under very high temperatures and provide a good balance of smoothness and traction. These tiles are also water-resistant and withstand wear and tear from foot traffic and the constant weight of a wheelchair. Also, cracked tiles are easily replaced without disturbing the rest of the tile floor.