How to Stay Safe on the Streets for Teenagers
Be reachable. Before heading out, let your parents or a trusted adult know where you are going and when you plan to be back. Make sure they have a way they can contact you.
Plan your route. Always walk along well-lit streets in familiar neighborhoods. Resist the temptation to cut across a park or dark alley. Stay near stores that are open and areas that are crowded. Also, make sure you know the best route to the nearest police station, public phone, or the home of a trusted adult should you need help.
Stay alert. Keep your eyes ahead and avoid looking down. You want to convey that you know what you are doing and are walking with a purpose. Try to look confident, calm and in control of where you are going. If you are talking on a cell phone as you walk, continue to observe your surrounding and watch for anything unusual.
Hide valuables. If you are carrying a bag or purse, wear it across your body with the zipper closed and facing down. It is best to keep cash in your front pants pocket or inside your coat. Don't flash your wallet or other valuable items as you walk. You don't want other people to see you as a target.
Travel in groups. Make sure you have a friend or group of friends with you when you're on the streets. Walk together and help keep each other safe.
Keep moving. If a car approaches you, stay on the sidewalk and continue walking. If you feel threatened, head toward a busy street, open store or well-lit area.
Trust yourself. If you get a funny feeling, pay attention to it. Your instincts are there to help keep you safe. Above all, trust those feelings in your gut and act accordingly. The more you practice trusting yourself, the better you'll get at it.